Have you ever experienced unexplained fatigue or noticed unexplained digestive issues and wondered if there might be more going on inside of your body? What if I told you that your gut might be the key to unlocking transformative long term health?
Think of your gut as a bustling ecosystem home to trillions of bacteria, all playing a crucial role in your health. This community, known as the gut microbiome, influences everything from your energy levels, to your mood, skin health, and even your susceptibility to chronic diseases.
You can imagine just how important the microbiome is to effect so much. But, it isn’t an overnight fix. In Fact the time it takes to improve your gut microbiome varies from person to person.
New research is showing just how variable each person's gut health can be. Some might see improvements in a couple of weeks, others it may take 3-6 months, especially if dealing with specific health conditions.
The journey to better health may not be instantaneous, but it is possibly the most important journey you can take for your health.
How does the gut microbiome affect your health?
The gut is incredibly complex and research continues to show just how interconnected with the entire body the gut really is. Your gut communicates with and affects nearly every part of the body. While other organs can’t say this, it simply underscores the importance of your gut health.
The gut microbiome in essence, functions like a control center. It's made up of trillions of microorganisms that all have a function in the body. Some of this good bacteria helps digest nutrients from food, others interact with your bodies immune system, training the body what pathogens to fight or not. Other good bacteria create neurotransmitters and other chemicals that effect your mind and cognitive function. While broad, each microorganism has a job that needs to be well executed for your health.
Recent research has found links between gut health and:
- Mental health disorders
- Anxiety & Stress
- Autoimmune diseases
- Endocrine conditions
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cancer
- Weight gain
Caring for your gut, means caring for your overall health. The bottom line. It will be extremely difficult if not impossible to reach your peak level of health without addressing your gut.
What negatively impacts gut health?
There are several factors that contribute to poor gut health, but the primary influences are:
- Poor Diet
- Antibiotics and medications
- Chronic Stress
- Alcohol and Smoking
- Lack of Sleep
- Infections & Illnesses
- Physical activity
These factors are to a high degree controllable. These are things we can improve by making better lifestyle choices, eating choices, and giving personal health the focus it truly deserves.
Remember, not caring for your health is not self-less, it is selfish. We should want to be as healthy as possible not only for ourselves, but for those we love the most.
Steps to take to see improvement in your gut
The importance of diet on your health cannot be understated. The food you eat can help heal your gut faster than you might think. Foods that can make the largest positive impact on gut health are:
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Legumes
- Whole grains
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Ensure it is pure and not a mix of vegetable oil and olive oil - this is inflammatory)
- Yogurt
- Kefir
- Fatty Fish
- Fermented Vegetables
- Bone Broth
These foods nourish the body and provide the gut with a positive ecosystem to flourish.
Lifestyle Factors
Your lifestyle, how you choose to work, live, and sleep determines your overall health. These factors are completely in your control no matter your economic circumstance and can play a role in improving gut health.
Physical activity seems to be one of the more cliche benefits, yet it has a huge impact. Even taking the time to go on a quick walk, 15 minutes of yoga, or going on a run can add years to your life.
When it comes to gut health exercise helps stimulate the digestive system creating better health.
Another factor that cannot be overlooked is stress. 76% of U.S. adults have had health impacts explicitly due to stress. Your gut is no exception.
Stress can literally alter your gut microbiome, reducing the number of good bacteria. It additionally can affect the body's ability to digest food effectively. Meaning that if you are eating healthy, but chronically stressed, your body may not be getting the nutrients you’re trying to provide it.
Stress management is a tool EVERYONE needs to work on as it is chronically affecting the U.S. Things such as yoga, meditation, or a bath can provide immediate benefit in 10-15 minutes.
Restore gut health naturally
At Morningside Naturals, we are big proponents of natural and holistic remedies. That's why we've made gut health our mission with Woodroot Tonic.
Woodroot Tonic is formulated with potent herbs that have been taken for thousands of years around the world. At its core, Woodroot Tonic reduces inflammation in the gut. This allows your gut to work the way its supposed to.
Best of all, Woodroot Tonic can be integrated into any lifestyle because it only takes 5-seconds a day! Do you think your health is worth 5-seconds? If so, try Woodroot Tonic today!
Consistency is the key
We live in a world that loves instant results and instant gratification. It's been so ingrained in us through technology, it is altering the fabric of society.
With these changes, we've seen the explosion of prescription medications. More than half of U.S. adults take a prescription medication daily.
Why is this alarming? Prescription medications tend to focus on symptoms without treating the root cause. It confuses us about our health, because isn't everything supposed to be fixed instantly? The short answer is no.
The body is extremely complex. It's also a machine that relies on consistency and habit. The key is forming a good lifestyle habit, this isn't the most extreme possible diet you can do. This means the healthiest thing you can do long term.
Your body isn't going to respond to a quick fix, it will go back to its default. But, your body will respond to consistency!
Embrace long term change
Gut health is a lifestyle change. You can’t take a magic potion and go back to an unhealthy sedentary life and blame the gut product. To change your gut, you need to take the steps to change your health. Is this easy? No, but it does get easier.
For myself, when I think of spending time with kids and grand kids, traveling with friends and family, and experiencing all life has to offer I think about doing this with proper health.
Changing your gut health is not an immediate thing. In most scientific studies it can take 2-12 weeks to restore proper gut health. But, it's important to remember that when these studied adults returned to old lifestyle habits and diets, their gut returned to its unhealthy state.
Embrace a healthy change. No matter where you are in life, embracing this change can mean a healthier, happier life. Something we all desire.
I didn’t focus on my gut health until I was in my 40s. I found it took me about 3 months to get my gut health fully managed. But, I’ve never felt better!
It took me about 6 months to correct my gut issues. But, every day I keep feeling better. It’s so worth it!